Health and Wellness,  Marriage and Relationships,  Motherhood

Letters of Love (Vol. 2) From Me, To You

Lately, it’s hard not to notice this shift in the world.  People who are normally upbeat, are struggling to find their joy.  Others, always so driven and motivated, seem unable to capture that energy they’re known for.   There is this unseen wall of stress and sadness haunting so many, who are uncertain of how to deal with the chaos that exists all around us right now.

So, I would like to take this moment, to give you a letter of love, to anyone needing it, and remind everyone out there, that you all deserve it.


Dear beautiful, most likely overwhelmed, possibly sad, and definitely worthy You,

This is a difficult time in the world, I know. But I also know, that you are stronger than you know, and more capable than you ever give yourself credit for. Just because there is uncertainty, doesn’t mean you have to lose sight of what is certain, and that’s your worth, your purpose and your invaluable being, just because you are you.

To the people living in yoga pants with unkempt hair, I got you boo (and I am you too).  I can’t even say the last time I really put on actual clothes and “got ready” to get out into the world.  Right now, when we are asked to stay home, stay away from other people, and live our lives at a distance, not everyone is ready, willing, or able to do put in the effort and look the part.

If you are one of those struggling to break out of anything but pajamas, have heart. Stop beating yourself up over it.  Stop looking at celebrities on social media, who still have their glam teams, helping them “look the part”. Start recognizing, that when life throws masses of chaos your way, maybe it’s the yoga pants and messy bun that help you climb the mountains. And start to work on loving yourself…all of yourself!

“Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart.” -Kahlil Gibran

If you decide to get dressed into real clothes or take the time to do your makeup or hair, do it for you! Do it because it is something that makes you feel good, helps you reconnect to that part of yourself that feels worthy and deserving of the effort.  The pretty clothes, amazing hair, and flawless makeup are only bows and ribbons on an already beautiful package. But always remember, you are gorgeous because you are perfectly you, and your beauty comes from your individuality, your heart, and your soul.

To anyone saddened by their lack of “summer bods”, take heart in knowing you are not alone. Many people initially thought the quarantine would be almost like a mini-vacation, where they would get in shape and finally have the time to exercise.  Sounded great, right? But this hasn’t been vacation mode, but really survival mode, where we are living in a chaotic world of not knowing what the next day will bring.  Be kind to yourself, and honor your body for just helping you get through each day as it comes.

“The moment you accept yourself, you become beautiful.”- Osho

Maybe you are just being proactive and you are working on your winter bod. Good for you for the head start. Maybe you believe that it’s somewhat like the Olympics, where the summer bod only happens once every four years, and right now is just preparation. Look at that foresight and groundwork!  That’s all good too. 

Exercise can be an important aspect of our lives, and helpful in improving health.  So, if you can, find a way to get some physical exercise into your routine, but do it for your well-being, both physically and mentally, not because you are placing some judgment on yourself about how you should look. 

Loving yourself, as is, isn’t easy, but it is the best way to begin to appreciate the fact that our bodies work hard every day, to keep us living in this crazy, yet beautiful world.   Learn that our bodies are not deserving of criticism and condemnation, but worthy of your respect and always, your love.

To anyone struggling to smile because of their mask, smile anyway love. First off, if you are someone who used to smile at others, you are part of what makes this world beautiful, worthwhile and a better place to be.  You may think people can’t see your smile, but they can.  And they can feel it.  A beautiful smile reaches your eyes, making them shine with kindness, and it reaches even further, to warm another’s heart. 

“Peace begins with a smile.” -Mother Teresa

So, keep smiling.  Keep shining your light, while wearing the mask.  The mask is for the protection of all around you, but the smile is the real shield.  The smile gives this world hope, and helps it heal.  Never lose your smile, and when the time comes, where the mask is no longer needed, don’t forget how many were left unseen, and wear them like a daily badge of courage for all we have overcome.  

To the moms and dads in the world, pat yourselves on the back and then give yourself a break.  No one ever expected this, and couldn’t have foreseen that you would be expected to be so many roles at once.  It is okay to be overwhelmed, feeling impatient, or going a little crazy. It’s okay to want your child to go back to school because you are struggling to be parent, teacher, tutor, cook, maid, and warden all at once.  And it’s okay if you want them to go back, but are scared about what that means when there is no clear message about how to do it safely.

“There is no such thing as a perfect parent. So just be a real one.”-Sue Atkins

This is a time, to be forgiving and gentle, with your children, but mostly with yourselves. This is the time to teach that in uncertainty, we can only take things one moment at a time, count our blessings and give ourselves the freedom to feel anything we need, but still promise to be there to support each other.

Maybe now is the time to help them understand everyone, including moms and dads, can be scared and frustrated, and that is because none of us are perfect, and don’t need to ever try to be. Maybe now is the chance to show them that the only thing that really matters is being there, and being a presence and certainty of love in an uncertain time.

Maybe, right now, the job for parents is to be a guide for our children, helping them see that life will bring us trials to face and fill us with every emotion, but when we have the unconditional love from our parents, families, and friends, we can overcome pain and struggle, and come out stronger because of it.

To the little kids of the world (both the ones we raise and the ones inside), this is a scary time and it is okay if you don’t know how to feel about it all.  Whatever you feel is okay, because every emotion counts.  You are never less than because you don’t feel strong. Yes, these times feel bleak, but there is a brightness to even the darkest skies.

“Only in the darkness can you see the stars.”- Martin Luther King, Jr.

MLK’s words are so true and visible now, because we are seeing some of the kindest, bravest, and most generous acts of courage and love, even during these trying times, even from the youngest of heroes. Have heart little one, because we will get through this, together, and we can learn that it is when we continue to do the next right thing, in the face of fear, that we become the beautiful, courageous people that will make this world a better place, for everyone.

To the frontline workers out there, thank you! Thank you for willingness to put yourself in harm’s way to take care of others. Thank you for your bravery, humility and heart.

You have kept this world moving forward when it tried to stop us in its tracks. You have given us the constant in times of doubt. Maybe, we were raised to believe that superheroes are such because they can fly and have superhuman strength, but you have shown us, that real-life heroes, like you, only need to have superhuman courage and unrelenting determination.

To everyone struggling right now, it is okay to be hurting, to be scared, angry, unsure, or sad. And while you may be uncertain on many things right now, be certain of this…you are doing the best you can. Reach out to the people you love, because maybe they need you or maybe you need them, but either way, we all need each other right now. If you need a break, a cry or a moment, take it, without guilt or shame, because you deserve it.

“If your compassion does not include yourself, it is incomplete.”- Buddha

The only thing any of us can do right now, at this moment, is try to take each day, one moment at a time, and work to do the next right thing and make the next right choice. Give yourself the love, kindness, and compassion you are so worthy of.

Love and light to all!



One Comment

  • Trudy Gomez

    Thank you for bringing me to tears, but in a good way, helping me to accept all that I am feeling, I am one of the many who misses the smiles under the masks, but I will keep smiling. And thank you for reminding me to be gentle with myself, and all those who are trying to understand this new world, without losing our hope and joy. I look forward to your encouraging words every week.