Health and Wellness,  Travel and Leisure

Your “Happy Place”

Most of us have heard the expression, find “a happy place”; but how many of us actually know what our happy place is, why it matters, and even more important, how many of us find a way to go there?

When we are talking about living our best life, and working to take care of ourselves, body and soul, we need to remember all of us can use a break. From time to time, we need an escape from the chaos the surrounds us.  And more important, we need that chance to connect to what matters most, and reconnect to our joy.

Everyone needs to be able to have that chance, to free ourselves from the pressures of everyday life. We need the opportunity to get to your “happy place”, where is it is easy to remember that happiness is a choice and all we need to do, is make the choice and take the trip.

Happiness is not something you postpone for the future; it is something you design for the present.” -Jim Rohn

The thing is, though, many people may be unclear on what it even means, or they feel there is a definition of what it means, that doesn’t help them in the day to day.  So, let’s redefine the term, and find a way to incorporate it into our routine, so it can help us, the way it was meant to.

What is a “happy place”? 

This can be different for everyone, but all of us can find that “place”, where the only thing that really matters is the moment, the joy, the beauty, and the gifts of gratitude life can bring, when we look for them.

An actual “happy place”, soaking up Bora Bora beauty.

Maybe it is the favorite destination we visited at some point in our lives, that leaves everlasting memories of fun, beauty, or tranquility?  Or perhaps, it’s the place we dream about, that we have yet to go, where we envision being surrounded by jaw-dropping views, peaceful scenery, or simply complete relaxation?

Sometimes, it might not even be a physical place, but more of a state of being, with yourself. Maybe it is that feeling, where the worries of the world slip away, and you exist, only in that moment, because it’s like finding your center.

For many, the best “happy place” is about the people you surround yourself with, who lift you up, inspire and encourage you, that let you feel like the best possible version of yourself—aka the real you.

All of them work.  All of them are right.  And all of them can be used, as the escape you need, to engage in self-care, unleash your soul from the drama, and find that space, and that moment…to just, BE.

How does it work?

There are many different ways you can use your “happy place”, to help your mind unwind and let yourself slip away and breathe some peace. You can use this place and this space to regain some sanity, and feel able to continue living your potential and reaching for your best life.

“Find your happiness. Go there often.” -Unknown

First, if you have an actual place that you have been, you are just letting your memory and your mind fill in all the gaps that time and responsibilities seem to take away. 

Paris adventures with my mama, who makes every place a “happy place”.

Take a moment, somewhere quiet, close your eyes, and remember it…vividly.

But remember through every sense you have. What did it look like? Really look like? See it all again like it is the first time. What did you hear?  Was it the sounds of the waves, the steady hum of people passing by, the wind through the trees? Recall each and every sound that imprinted itself on that memory. 

Keep going in your mind. What did you smell? Taste? Touch? Take a moment and recall the smells that surrounded you?  Whether coming from the café you passed, the saltwater and sand of the ocean? Or the woodsy trees that engulfed you?  Use your senses to take you back, completely filling you with the feeling of actually being there.

If your “happy place” is somewhere yet to be visited, you can do the same thing, only you create the memories yourself.  If you don’t feel creative enough to imagine it all, then do the research. Look up where you would stay, the sites you would visit, the restaurants you would eat at, and you envision every sight, sound, taste, and touch, and it becomes your reality.  Even doing the research is giving your brain the fuel to create a much clearer vision of this place for you to go, inside your mind.

“Find joy in discovering what makes your soul happy.” -Aly Aubrey

These mental breaks are beyond powerful at letting you recharge, both your physical and mental well-being, and find peace within chaos, even right where you sit. (Until that beautiful time, you can actually go to these places and make new memories).

If you can actually go…

Sometimes, our “happy place” is a place, but one that isn’t that far away, but close at hand.

Hiking and Sedona…two “happy places”.

Maybe it could be a hike on a nearby mountain, that lets you clear your head, set intentions, connect to nature and leave worries behind you on the trail? Maybe it’s the yoga class, that lets your breath be your guide, and your focus be on connection to this moment? Or maybe it’s as simple as time in your yard, hearing nature and letting the sun warm your face? Perhaps it’s a day in the museum, soaking up culture, history, and art?  Or could it be your escape to your favorite restaurant that always leaves your mouth watering? Finding our “happy place” is about finding what brings us joy, and letting ourselves go there and connect to that joy.

Again, if you can physically get to this place, then go, as often as you can.  Make the time and give yourself the chance to spend that time in your place.

When its not a “place”, but a “state”

One of the most important and helpful “happy places” to get to, isn’t a physical place, but a state of being.

Think about it for a moment.  How many of us feel completely carefree when we are with the people we love the most, whether it’s family or your best friends?

Or maybe it’s when you are doing something that feels good for your soul, because it connects you to that inner peace, sense of purpose, creative outlet, or just feeling of joy? 

The beauty here, is there is no right answer or proper definition, because it is whatever works for you. 

Any place can be the “happy place”, if it brings you joy. If you love to curl up with a great book and let the world slip away, your “happy place” can be anywhere you want it to be, just take yourself and the book (yup, that’s one of mine).  Feel completely at peace in a bubble bath, with soft music and a glass of wine?  (Yeah that’s me too). Then make a date for your happy place anytime you can.

And if your “happy place” is more about who you are with then where you are, connect to those people, who are that place for you in every way and as often as you can.  (For me, that means endless pics and videos of my grandkids, ongoing group texts and chats with my family and besties, unless I get the in-person version, which is always better).

Family…always a “happy place”.

When your “happy place” is more of a state of being than a place to go, there are endless ways to get there, as long as give yourself the opportunity and time to go.

The more you go…

The brilliant beauty to visiting your “happy place”, is that the more you let yourself go there, and truly “be” there…the easier it is to get to.  And, the more you go, the more you grow.

Going to your “happy place”, as often as possible, in your mind, or actually giving yourself the time and space to do what recharges your soul, helps you grow in your commitment to yourself. It feeds your belief in giving yourself what you deserve, rather than what is leftover. It allows you to grow in the ability to heal yourself from the daily grind that can occur.

“Find your happiness in yourself.” -Albert Camus

Yes, these are difficult times, and there are extenuating circumstances all around us, unlike things we have ever seen. But, we can’t let that stop us from finding that place, in these moments and in the here and now, where it is peace and joy, love and laughter. Now is when we need that most.  And more importantly, we deserve that!

So, go boldly into the world…finding and holding onto your “happy place”.  And once you find it, visit it as often as you can.  Remember, it’s always there for you, just waiting for you to come back to it…to feed you body and soul. 

Love and light to all!