Health and Wellness,  Marriage and Relationships,  Motherhood

Own It All

One of the hardest, yet most important skills to master in this life is the difficult, yet beautiful task of self-acceptance, and ultimately, finding self-love.

How do we, in this world of never-ending challenges, unyielding expectations, and impossible ideas of attaining perfection, learn to accept our true selves?  How do we, with all the imperfections in our character and our body, still find a way to accept our flaws, and go past that point and into the place where we own our brilliance instead of constantly shadowing it?

How do we see ourselves as the kings and queens we really are, even while acknowledging that we are all works in progress, and find that balance of learning to embrace our entire self?

Well, the truth is, we need to own it all. 

We need to work to see, that while no one out there is perfect, we are still somehow perfectly imperfect, and even more so, it is because of everything that makes us who we are.

“Decide that you are enough, and watch what happens.” -Elyse Santilli

So, while so many of us seem content to own the parts that seem presentable to the rest of the world, the challenge can be owning the parts we always wish we could hide.

But the truth is, sometimes it is those very pieces of ourselves we work so hard to ignore, that will help us learn the real meaning of self-love, and help us embrace every part of us.

So, how do we learn to love ourselves, fully, and really and truly, own it all?

Love your body.  I know, this one can be particularly hard, especially for women, because we are constantly given images of what the world wants to see as beautiful.  But beauty really is in the eye of the beholder. More importantly, beauty isn’t just a physical component.  Beauty is an indescribable part of someone, that goes beyond just what we can see, and comes from within, even more than something external.  And every single person out there can hold within them something beautiful.

Many of us can shake our heads at the notion of loving our body because we cringe at the extra pounds we don’t want, the cellulite we try to banish, or the scars we wish we could conceal.  But your body is your partner through this journey of life, carrying your soul, your love, and all of your talents within in.  So, rather than despise it for what it isn’t, or what some part of you or society wants to tell you it should be, love it and honor it for all that it really is.

“Embrace and love your body.  It is the most amazing thing you’ll ever own.” -Anonymous

Love your eyes, because they seek out the best in others, instead of looking for a reason to judge.  Love your feet, and your legs, for how far they have carried you through this life, regardless of size or shape.  Love your wrinkles, because they show you that you have made it further in life than others, and gave you experience, memories, and wisdom.  Love your heart, for its willingness to brave the possibility of hurt and pain, and yet still willingly work and fight for giving you the greatest gift of all, love itself.

Find a way to love your body, and it will continue to love you back.

Love your mind.  No one out there thinks exactly as you do…or sees the world through your precise lens. Be grateful for how hard your mind works, to understand everything going on around you, and finding ways to make sense of the hardships, in order to keep you moving forward.

Love your mind, for helping you find the positive thoughts, even during the darkest of times.  Your mind works to remind you, that it is okay if things don’t always go accordingly to the plan, because there can always be another way.  It helps you find solutions when the world wants to tell you to give up. 

Your mind is the one, holding on to the values and ideas that push you.  It keeps your passion, your motivation, and your creativity close, whenever you need it, to drive you and inspire you. Your mind is always ready to remind you that you are capable of doing something incredible, and making a difference in the lives of others, as well as your own.

“Everything is so beautiful when you stop looking for flaws.” -Wayne Dyer

Your mind will do anything you tell it because it believes in you.  So, believe in it back, and let it show you all that you are capable of.

Love your accomplishments. Sometimes, people forget they are allowed to be excited for themselves.  While no one wants to be around someone who only thinks of and talks about themselves, you absolutely can be your own cheerleader.

Life can be hard, and often there are obstacles put in our path on our journeys to joy and greatness. So, if you reach a goal, no matter what it is, reach the top of a mountain (physically or metaphorically), it is okay, and even inspiring, to share with the world all that you were able to do.

“Your best champion and cheerleader is yourself. Always be proud of your accomplishments, big or small.” -Ayanna Howard

Maybe you are the first in your family to finish college or even high school.  Congrats! That’s awesome.  Maybe you are a single parent, taking care of your kiddos while working full-time and still being incredible support to your babies…you are amazing, and well-deserving of some encouragement. Maybe you finally got out of a toxic relationship and are making it on your own; you are taking steps to improve your physical or mental well-being; you are working on volunteering to make an impact on others—all so deserving of acknowledgment and praise.

Your efforts deserve to be noticed!  Your accomplishments deserve to be seen.  Not only because you can be the light to spark someone else, but because you always need to see your own light reflected back to you.

Be proud of your accomplishments, and teach yourself, because you are worthy, you also deserve the praise.

Love your mistakes.  I will be the first to admit, that this one isn’t easy for me.  Mistakes often leave people feeling inadequate or scared to try again.  Mistakes often leave us vulnerable to judgment from others, and most of the time, from ourselves.

But mistakes are life’s greatest teachers.  They show us not only what didn’t work, but also our ability to be bigger than our fears, and try, even when we might fail.  We become our own role model when we make mistakes and keep trying until we find a better way. Your mistakes don’t define you; they lead you to the improved, stronger, more knowledgeable person you have become. 

“Mistakes have the power to turn you into something better than you were before.”-Anonymous

We don’t need to fear our mistakes, but see them for the teaching tools they are.  We can be grateful, even, to have come this far, not in spite of mistakes, but more likely, because of them. Our mistakes have an ability to show us we can keep moving forward, despite adversity, and keep going until we find the right way.

Learn to love your mistakes, and acknowledge, they have helped shaped you into every amazing person you have become.

Love the very thing that makes you different. While it is very true, that one of the most fundamental needs of people, as a whole, is to belong…somewhere along the way, we got the incorrect message that to belong, you need to be like everyone else, or rather, you should blend in.

Maybe it’s just me, but the older I get, I love recognizing how amazing and inspiring it can be, to stand out.  Some want to call it “weird”, but I will call it unique. 

“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Everyone out there has a voice that needs to be heard, a story to tell, and a way to see the world unlike any other being.  Don’t be afraid or resentful of your uniqueness, but see it for the gift it is.  Embrace the idea that there is no one out there just like you. 

You weren’t born to blend into the crowd, because if you were, you would be exactly like everyone else.  You were made, specifically and deliberately, to be the beautiful individual that you are.

Love that part of you that is different, and the world gets one step closer to seeing how beautiful the differences among all of us can be.  


When you begin to work on owning it all and learning to love all parts of you…self-love stops being a practice and starts being a reality.

The greatest gift we can ever give to ourselves is the gift of acceptance…it’s the opportunity to see ourselves completely, flaws and all, and know we are still every bit deserving of embracing our whole self, and of course, of love.

No one will ever be perfect, but perfection (if it existed), would be boring.

“To fall in love with yourself is the first key to happiness.” -Robert Morley

Own all of the parts of yourself, and embrace the differences that make you, you.

It is the physical differences between people, that makes them so unlike another.  It is the journeys, both accomplishments, and mistakes, of an individual, that can make them so special and inspiring.  It is the way one person’s mind works, and how different they can see things, that make them completely distinct. You are literally the only one of you in this world….so why deny yourself the chance to love yourself completely?

We will all, forever, be works in progress, journeying through this life, striving to be the best version of us possible.  But that is exactly the reason for you, to stop, truly appreciate yourself, and begin to choose love and acceptance, over shame and self-loathing.  See your beauty, own your brilliance.

You are beautifully flawed, perfectly imperfect and so deserving…so begin to find ways to practice acceptance, get on the journey to self-love, and own it all!

Love and light to all!